Maker Points

About Us

Welcome to Maker Points, your one-stop shop for high-quality electronic components and maker supplies! We are passionate about empowering creators, hobbyists, and professionals to bring their innovative ideas to life.

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Maker Points

Who We Are

Founded by a team of dedicated enthusiasts and engineers, Maker Points is committed to providing a wide range of electronic components, tools, and accessories to support your projects. Our extensive catalog includes everything from basic resistors and capacitors to advanced microcontrollers and sensors.

Our Mission

At Maker Points, our mission is to inspire and enable creativity through the power of technology. We believe that anyone can be a maker, and our goal is to make the journey from concept to creation as smooth and enjoyable as possible. By offering reliable products, competitive prices, and exceptional customer service, we strive to be the trusted partner for all your electronics needs.

Our Team

Mark Jance


Mark Jance


Mark Jance


Mark Jance